Transport poverty means the lack of transport opportunities necessary for reaching work and basic social services. This can mean that transportation is not available, not affordable in terms of time or money, or too risky or dangerous.
Transport poverty is present in Europe and in particular in Hungary: some disadvantaged regions have infrequent public transport connections that do not make commuting to work or school possible. For people living in poverty, even public transport may be too expensive and owning a car is out of question. Many families can not even buy bicycles, although this could provide a temporary or long-term solution. In some cases, employers provide transport for their employees, operating rented minibuses, but these may cost a substantial part of the salary.
Unemployment is a big problem in Arló for many reasons, but one of these is that employment opportunities in the village are scarce, and in order to find employment further away, people have to solve the problem of commuting. However, shifting to bicycle transport requires more than a bike – people have to learn safe cycling skills and the basics of bicycle repairing and maintenance, and the essential tools and materials have to be available.
Elfogadlak Foundation (the name means “I accept you as you are”) works in many ways to alleviate poverty in Arló: they provide learning facilities, teach sports and dance skills, they help the local school, provide scholarships for young people entering secondary education, and build the community through excursions and camps. Promoting cycling is part of their activity, they organize cycling trips for local youths.
With this charity project, we aim to help provide means to buy additional bicycles for local families, and set up a workshop for training bike maintenance skills. Therefore, even small donations help a lot – a few euros can buy basic tools such as a wrench, while 100 EUR may already pay for a used bicycle, which can enable commuting to work or school.
We will travel approximately 1300 km during our trip, and hope to collect 1 300 000 HUF in donations for this purpose. Your donation will completely serve the foundation, Szoki and Andris travel on their own funds and only accept food or eventual accommodation on the way.
Please send donations directly to the account of Elfogadlak Foundation, listing “Cargo for Arló” in the comments to allow us to keep track.
K&H Bank 10201006-50213269
IBAN HU19 10201006 50213269 00000000