Gerilla filling in the Czech Republic

First and most important service announcement: today we could only cycle together around Brno, because we are so late as planned, so the common crossing of Pilis is cancelled.
Yesterday was a hard but nice day: both the weather and the road conditions were favourable. It was a tough climb, but we reached our pre-selected rain shelter – where, of course, we should have rested our heads 2 days ago. Even so, we decided not to continue our trek in the hope of finding a precarious campsite, but to pitch a tent and rest instead of the rain shelter. The temperature dropped from 7-8°C to 2-3°C and the wind was blowing, so it was better to stay in the tent. We tried to get up early, which was slightly hampered by the cold, but there was still no frost. Once we got going, we immediately started climbing – here we could see the scattered ashes of former snowmen along the side of the road. We rolled down to Hlinsko and luckily for us, the local Coop was waiting with open doors. The first thing we both spotted was a power socket in the lobby, so we immediately went guerrilla charging while we shopped, ate, drank and oiled chains. Now – as it’s getting cold and we can’t think of anything else to do to stay, we’re back on the road again.

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