Später und später
The night train ride was smooth and undisturbed, save for the border control who didn’t ask for Szoki’s passport after I answered in accent-free German, and a guy who thought one of us was in his cabin,…
The night train ride was smooth and undisturbed, save for the border control who didn’t ask for Szoki’s passport after I answered in accent-free German, and a guy who thought one of us was in his cabin,…
The final moment has arrived, when this trip turns reality. Food was stacked, bags were packed, wheel pressure checked one last time and off we went to the station….
I’m sure many of you are wondering how we planned the route – so here are the behind-the-scenes secrets. But don’t be surprised – there’s no earth-shattering, world-changing ideas 🙂
We are still far away from the last day of our trip, but we have an invitation for you: ride with us! We designed the last leg of the journey from Esztergom to Budapest to run along forestry roads that are closed from car traffic, so even less experi…
One more week to go, and the schedule is already tight. We need to pack our bags, we need to set up the live tracking, the bike will need some last-minute repairs, we need to have everything ready for the trip. However well we prepare, we will face a…
Yesterday evening found me in the garage again. Simple task: clean the bike after a very muddy day, replace brake pads with new ones for the trip, with the added twist that the wheels need some centering. If you have ever tried truing bike wheels at …
Andris and I also took lots of different trips but everything can happen, so we need to prepare. Since I’m a gadget freak, I’ll start with the technical stuff, there are pitfalls in this area too. Let’s start with the navigation.
The trip starts from Copenhagen and ends in Budapest – in between, we will try to find the shortest and safest way. From Copenhagen, we turn south, hoping to reach the Gedser-Rostock ferry by the end of our first day. From Rostock, the next destinati…
Cargo for Arló is not only about kilometers and donations: we want to raise awareness to the importance of cycling culture. The circumstances of cycling affect how we feel, and this means a lot more than weather. According to the poll of the Hungaria…